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matreex 0.4.0


  • Mutlispecific even harvesting functionality. #24

  • sim_rdikg() function to compute RDI and Kg after simulations. #24

  • Disturbance use a mixture effect in case of biotic disturbance. #17

  • Favored species for Uneven harvest model.

  • Spatial effects are under development. #15

Breaking changes

  • mu_sgr class now use the delay as normal IPMs. Previous object may not work.

  • Even_harv() function is not used, getPcutEven() is called directly.


  • New vignette Disturbance.Rmd after completion of the model by Julien and Jasper. #17

  • Update of Harvesting.Rmd after completion of the model by Jasper. #24

  • New files for metadata and HAL upload in prevision.


  • Update of the recruitment fit models by Julien. #26

  • Update of the disturbance coefficient by Julien.

  • Update of rdi coefficients by Patrick.

matreex 0.3.0


  • Disturbance is now fully implemented and happens before harvesting. An occurance of disturbance cancel harvesting and the size distribution of disturbed trees is saved as harvest distribution output.

  • Added BAstand in the output of the model

Breaking changes

  • def_init_k() require the distribution of size per hectare and don’t need to multiply this distribution by SurfEch value anymore. See #6

  • sim_deter_forest() output table changed the name for variable m_i (distribution of density by mesh i) for n_i. #8.

  • delay now accept negative values, to remove a delay to any object.

  • IPM build with make_IPM() now use the default delay set for each species (see #10). Previous simulation used delay = 0.

  • Default parameter correction in make_IPM() and make_mu_gr() is now "none". Previous one was "constant". #11


  • Add pkgdown usage to document the package on the www.

  • Correction of vignettes

  • New warning if equil_diff value is too low in sim_deter_forest().


  • Default delay set for each species (see #10)

matreex 0.2.0

Breaking changes


  • New functions summary() for ipm and species class.

  • New vignette Harvesting.Rmd.

  • New vignette matreex.Rmd.

User interface

  • make_IPM() is more flexible for climate input to simplify scripts. Single rows matrix and data.frame are now accepted. This replace climate <- drop(as.matrix(subset(climate_species, ...).

  • species() class constructor has now default values and should be preferred to new_species().

matreex 0.1.0

  • Added a file to track changes to the package.

  • Changed package name to matreex.

  • Add disturbance model from Julien.

  • Class ipm was modified and invalidate previous script output (if saved as .Rds/.Rdata).

  • Idea from Arnaud to precompute mu values to speed up in-simulation integration and modify climate. This kind of simulations takes longer but is very flexible. New class mu_gr.

  • Refactorisation of harvest process for Uneven and Even process. Uneven works with multi species.

  • Refactorisation of integration process to gain time and allow a more general function (added input choices).

  • Multi species simulations works with 1 to n species in a general setup. Also created a generic output format usable in tidyverse.

  • Add functions to load old IPMs and modify them in new class (ipm, species , forest).

  • Packaging functions from Kunstler et al (2020) under initial name {treeforce}.