I’m fond of Evolution of Life and an ecology enthusiast. This got me addicted to R and package programming.
You can find me on GitHub as @gowachin.
I am an R modelling engineer within the UR LESSEM at INRAE Grenoble.
I’m interested in biogeography of species and population dynamics, and how environnement drive this througt time. However this is more a pretext to code all day long about living beings.
It’s difficult to say where I’m from, as I lived in Briançon, Nice, La Réunion, Grenoble, Brest before returning to Grenoble in France. Living close to the sea and the mountains, I do a lot of outdoor activities like trekking, climbing, caving and scuba-diving.
I’ve done all my graduates studies at the Université Grenoble Alpes, in biology, geology and ecology. This studies were linked with multiple internships at the LECA.
I was secretary of Guepe, an association for sharing naturalist information all around Grenoble and R skills. I’m currently involved in a mountaineering club named GUCEM that occupy many of my weekends.
This website is mainly used for sharing my works and hobbies.