summary method for class dive.

# S3 method for tank
summary(object, ...)

# S3 method for conso
summary(object, ...)

# S3 method for dive
summary(object, ...)

# S3 method for desat
summary(object, ...)



is a DiveR object. There are methods for dive, tank and conso objects.


other arguments not used


A brief summary of a dive and its main parameters.

summary(dive(20, 40, secu = FALSE)) summary(dive(20, 40, secu = TRUE)) summary(dive(20, 45)) summary(dive(39, 22)) summary(dive(50, 22))


Jaunatre Maxime <>


summary(tank(vol = 12, press = 200))
#> Tank : 12 litre at 200 bar #> rules : 1 mid : 100 bar #> 2 res : 50 bar #> The tank type is back and contain Air #> Named : back12
Tank_15L <- tank(vol = 15, press = 200) viable <- conso(dive = dive(20,40), tank = Tank_15L, cons = 20, failure_label = 'Air failure') summary(viable)
#> Consumption simulated on dive at 20 m for 45.2 minutes #> --------------------------------------------------------------------- #> Tank name | Rule | Pressure | Time | Final pressure #> --------------------------------------------------------------------- #> Tank back15 | mid | 100 bar | 25 min | 29.16 bar #> | res | 50 bar | 38 min | #> | Air failure | 0 bar | NA min | #> --------------------------------------------------------------------- #> The dive is viable !
#> --------- No desat stop --------- #> Group : H | Model : table
#> --------------------------------- #> Stop | Depth | Duration | Time #> --------------------------------- #> n 3 | 3 m | 1 min | NA min #> --------------------------------- #> Group : I | Model : table
#> --------------------------------- #> Stop | Depth | Duration | Time #> --------------------------------- #> n 2 | 6 m | 2 min | NA min #> --------------------------------- #> n 3 | 3 m | 19 min | NA min #> --------------------------------- #> Group : J | Model : table
#> --------------------------------- #> Stop | Depth | Duration | Time #> --------------------------------- #> n 1 | 9 m | 1 min | NA min #> --------------------------------- #> n 2 | 6 m | 8 min | NA min #> --------------------------------- #> n 3 | 3 m | 32 min | NA min #> --------------------------------- #> Group : L | Model : table