DiveR 0.4.0

Major improvements

  • Refactorisation of the dive class and all functions to cope with curve dive (input with multiples depth and time values.)

  • Test all of the dive class functions (except for graphic ones…)

  • Dive Planification Vignette.

Historic Modifications

  • max_depth_t has been renamed to max_depth_time

  • desaturation with table has been rewritten from palier and dtcurve functions to ìnit_dtcurve, add_desat and desat_table functions.

  • replacing all azote text with nitrogen…thinking about non french divers after all.

  • Idiot proof is made with correct functions and check_val function has been removed

  • Most summary are pretty now.

  • ndive will now call function depending on the second dive desaturation model.

Bugs fixed

  • dtime work now on curve dives ( #1 )

  • Consecutive dives was adding interval time to total time, it has been corrected. ( #10 )

  • Correction of additional time when using successive dives. Was adding between 4 and 1 minute more than expected when using tables. ( #11 )

DiveR 0.3.0

Major improvements

  • Consumption functions work on single tank dive, multiple tanks dive.

  • Gas consumption vignette.

  • testthat is set for consumption functions.

Minor improvements

  • R.utils dependance was not used and removed

  • viridis has been remplaced by viridisLite


  • Usage of pkgdown package for documentation

DiveR 0.2.0

Major improvements

  • Added a NEWS.md file to track changes to the package.

  • Vignette about gas consumption in work

Modifications about consumption

  • Consumption functions (bloc, press_time, conso, plot.conso) have been trough total refactorisation.

  • dtime.conso and press_time have been removed.

  • simpl, depth_at_time and time_at_depth have been slightly modified to fit the conso function.