Plot the dive curve depending on time and depth. Only represent square profile

# S3 method for ndive
  dtr_print = FALSE,
  hour_print = TRUE,
  line_print = TRUE,
  deco_print = TRUE,
  depth_print = TRUE,
  time_print = TRUE,
  def_cols = FALSE,
  cut_inter = 60,
  legend = FALSE,
  add = FALSE



an object of class ndive.


every argument for the plot function such as graphical parameters for lines. Classical graphical parameter applies on the dive curve

  • type for the size line, set to 'b' by default.

  • xlab set to 'Time' by default, see title.

  • ylab set to 'Depth' by default, see title.


set to TRUE by default, whether there is text and line for ascent time.


set to TRUE by default, whether there is the hour at beginning and end of the dive.


set to TRUE by default, whether there is lines for depths.


set to TRUE by default, whether there is information about desat stop for depths and times.


set to TRUE by default, whether there is depth values along the dive.


set to TRUE by default, whether there is time values along the dive.


set to FALSE by default, modify plot colors to match shinyapp css.


60 by default above which the plot is cut in x axis to maintain readibility


set to FALSE by default, print legend about the ascent speeds.


set to FALSE by default, to add another dive plot on a precedent one.

See also

  • plot, title and par for plot parameter that were omitted on this documentation

  • ndive for every aspect about ndive object creations.


Jaunatre Maxime <>


# Consecutive dives d <- ndive(dive1 = dive(18,11), dive2 = dive(15,40), inter = 1)
#> Warning: A minimum of 15 minutes is requiered between dives to consider them #> as different dives.
plot(d, main = 'consec')
# Consecutive dives with second impossible d <- ndive(dive1 = dive(35,11), dive2 = dive(30,20), inter = 4)
#> Warning: A minimum of 15 minutes is requiered between dives to consider them #> as different dives.
plot(d, def_cols = TRUE, main = 'no_consec')
# Successive dive when inter <= cut_inter d <- ndive(dive1 = dive(18,40), dive2 = dive(15,30), inter = 60) plot(d, def_cols = TRUE, main = 'success no cut')
# Successive dive when inter > cut_inter d <- ndive(dive1 = dive(20,40), dive2 = dive(20,30), inter = 121) plot(d, def_cols = TRUE, main = 'success cut')
# Successive dive with second impossible d <- ndive(dive1 = dive(18,40), dive2 = dive(35,30), inter = 120)
#> Warning: Second dive impossible due to majoration of time
plot(d, def_cols = TRUE, main = 'maj_no_success')
# Successive dive with second impossible d <- ndive(dive1 = dive(62,11), dive2 = dive(15,30), inter = 120)
#> Warning: Second dive impossible in less than 12h after a dive a 60 more meters
plot(d, def_cols = TRUE, main = '60_no_sucess')
# Different dives d <- ndive(dive1 = dive(18,11), dive2 = dive(47,8), inter = 730) plot(d, def_cols = TRUE, main = 'diff cut')